Beautiful Things Film
Mybosswas waste

Art box

MYBOSSWAS ha prodotto con la Biennale di Venezia il primo lungometraggio di Giorgio Ferrero e Federico Biasin e ha curato ogni aspetto della comunicazione del film. MYBOSSWAS ha ideato un art box in tiratura limitata distribuito da CG Enterteinment in collaborazione con i distributori Wanted e Filmotor. All’interno del box un vinile, un dvd, un libro-taccuino, un flyer con le chiavi di accesso ai materiali esclusivi online.

MYBOSSWAS produced with the Venice Biennale the first feature film by Giorgio Ferrero and Federico Biasin and curated every aspect of the film communication. MYBOSSWAS conceived a limited edition art box distributed by CG Enterteinment in collaboration with distributors Wanted and Filmotor. Inside the box there were a vinyl, a dvd, a notebook book, a flyer with the access keys to the exclusive online materials.

Creative direction 
Giorgio Ferrero

Art direction 
Arianna Grasso

Graphic design 
Natalia Tzrmielak

Via Cecchi 63 int.1, 10152, Torino
+39 011 0200115
MYBOSSWAS is a registered trademark of MYBOSS SRL - V.A.T. IT 10440680014