Identity, LP artwork
Mybosswas karlheinz stockhausen

MYBOSSWAS ha realizzato l’artwork in tiratura limitata dell’album e la comunicazione di PLUS Interferenze.

Minus&Plus – the music duo of MYBOSSWAS
new site by MYBOSSWAS multimedia dept.

MYBOSSWAS created the communication and the limited edition artwork of the album Interferenze by PLUS.

Minus&Plus – the music duo of MYBOSSWAS
new site by MYBOSSWAS multimedia dept.

Art direction Giorgio Ferrero, Matteo Cardamone

Via Cecchi 63 int.1, 10152, Torino
+39 011 0200115
MYBOSSWAS is a registered trademark of MYBOSS SRL - V.A.T. IT 10440680014

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